IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Worship in the Godbox


Sundays at 10am


(Illinois Tech's Carr Chapel)

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2022 Key Verse

Latest Sermon

Rebuild with God’s Vision
Nehemiah 1:1-11

Nehemiah prayed based on God's vision for the people of Israel. Likewise, in a time of rebuilding, we need to have God's vision.

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Most Popular Sermons

Jesus, the Healer
Matthew 8:1-17

We have all been sick, injured, in emotional distress, weary, depressed and what we really need is healing. In this passage, we find Jesus healing a lot of different people a lot of different ways. He heals from near; he heals from far; he heals a few; and he heals many. Jesus heals because he goes to the root of the malady.

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Unusual Kindness
Acts 28:1-10

Paul and the passengers were shipwrecked on the island of Malta. The islanders showed unusual kindness to everyone by building a fire and welcoming them. God had also shown unusual kindness, healing everyone who was sick on the island, and resupplying Paul and his ship with everything they needed. God shows unusual kindness to us by giving his one and only Son to save us, while we were sinners. In return, let's show unusual kindness toward others, especially to our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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The Power of Pressure
Mark 6:14-29

What happens when you are put into a situation when all of a sudden a lot of pressure gets focused into a small area? Let’s see what happens when Herod finds himself under these circumstances. 

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God’s Anger with King Solomon
1 Kings 11:1-43

King Solomon was abundantly blessed by God, but over time his heart was led astray by his hundreds of wives, and he began to follow their gods too. An idolatrous heart is like a cheating heart, and God in his anger would tear the kingdom away from Solomon. Yet out of his mercy he allowed Solomon to rule over 1 tribe, that one day a Savior king would come. God is angry with the wicked every day, but he sent his one and only Son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins and bring us into his eternal kingdom.

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Daily Bread

Jonathan Kept His Oath to David

1 Samuel 20:18-42

Key Verse: 20:42

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Recent Story

God Redeems

In 2009, I lost my job because of the economy. It was one of the worst days of my life, but two years later God made it one of the best of my life.

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Intro Daily


The Full Extent of His Love

Knowing his time was near, Jesus showed his disciples the full extent of his love. Join us this Easter as we reflect on how Jesus in love gave his life for us, and how his death and resurrection inspire us to love one another.

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After the Cross

Like the disciples, we must experience the life changing grace of God and be transformed through Jesus’ resurrection. Come join us this Easter as we learn how to live life “After the Cross” of Jesus.

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Advent 2020

We may all be distant and living in uncertain times, but the end of the year draws near and the time of Advent is here. Advent is all about the anticipation of the arrival of the baby Jesus and starts on November 29.

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Who We Are and What We Do

Since 2007, we have been serving Illinois Tech and the surrounding community with the word of God through Bible study and worship service. We are a church composed of alum and current students, who wish to see the love and grace of Jesus shared with others.

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