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Rebuild with God’s Vision
Nehemiah 1:1-11
Nehemiah prayed based on God's vision for the people of Israel. Likewise, in a time of rebuilding, we need to have God's vision.
We hold weekly worship services at 10am on Sundays on the Illinois Tech campus in the historic Carr Memorial Chapel, affectionately known as the Godbox, which was designed by the renowned architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Our weekly worship service is free for anyone to come and join. During service, we sing hymns and modern worship music, and we pray for both ourselves as a congregation and for God's work all around the world.
At the beginning of the month, we share communion where we remember the shedding of Jesus' blood and the breaking of his body through drinking the juice and eating the bread.
The strongest point of our worship is the focus on God's word in the Bible. Each week, a message is delivered that is based on the word of God from the Bible, holding to a specific passage.
Our most recently posted and most popular sermons are below or you can visit our sermons page to browse our past messages.
Nehemiah prayed based on God's vision for the people of Israel. Likewise, in a time of rebuilding, we need to have God's vision.
We make all kinds of preparations when a new baby is arriving to the family, and this increases our joy. If we also prepare our hearts for the Baby born in Bethlehem, we will find salvation, and lasting peace and joy.
Mary was deeply aware of her humble state, physically and spiritually, and submitted herself to the Lord's will. When Elizabeth confirmed Mary's baby to come would be the Messiah, the Savior, a thrill of hope caused her to burst out in a song known as the Magnificat, which means to magnify the Lord's glory. She glorified God in her soul, and rejoiced in her spirit.
Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It is a time of great joy for all the people because Jesus was born.
After John the Baptist was born, his father sang a song of praise to God because of the thrill of hope he felt knowing about what God was getting ready to do.
Every Sunday at 10am, we have worship on campus in the Godbox, just to the north of Illinois Tech’s McCormick Student Village. We would love to have you worship with us.
The Godbox (Illinois Tech's Carr Memorial Chapel)
65 E 32nd St.
Chicago, IL 60616