Date: Mar. 4, 2010
Hello everyone, It's been awhile since I emailed you. I hope all is going well. The message has been posted on the web site and I have attached the questions for this coming Sunday passage. We will study Luke 17:11-19. Please pray for Mike as he will be delivering the message this week. The web site has been updated with the Easter invitation, take a look. The Easter conference will be 4/2-4/4 at Dickson Valley Retreat Center. I believe that the conference fee will be $85/$75 for newcomers; 1/2 price ages 5-9; partial: $10/meal, $20/night. (We are still finalizing the price and program) Please let me know your thoughts and we will discuss it in more detail at the Friday meeting. We need people to volunteer so I will come looking for you to participate. And by the way, we will have a joint worship service with Northwestern and HBF the weekend before the conference (3/28) at the center. Here is the basic program: Title: ARISE! (Lk 7:14) Friday evening: Luke 7:11-17, "Young man, get up!" (Curie Lee Jr.) No early dinner, but pizza & pop comes at 8:30pm Friday group Bible studies on Acts 2:22-41 (6-8 people per group) Saturday main message: Acts 2:22-41 This Jesus is Lord and Christ (David Hull) Before lunch options: (a) workshops (diverse topics?) or (b) testimony writing After lunch: either (a) testimony writing/sharing 1-4pm, followed by games/activities 4-5:30pm or (b) testimony sharing & workshops 1-4pm, followed by games/activities 4-5:30pm Saturday evening: 1 Cor. 15 student symposium: Skit directed by Augustine Park (Theme/ideas??) campfire w/songs: s'mores and hot dogs Sunday worship message: Hebrews 10:1-39 Christ Sacrificed Once For All (Michael Mark) Baptisms & Communion No closing message No lunch Other--Life testimony sharers? --14 Group Bible leaders study and share testimonies before conf. --Indonesia Mission Report? by Christian LeonardDaniel’s Life of Prayer
Daniel 6:1-15
Key Verse: 6:10