IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Happy Mid Week

Date: Aug. 20, 2009

Author: admin

Hello everyone,
I posted the message and question set at the iit ubf web site. And attached are questions for the upcoming Sunday passage. Enjoy.
Please pray for this weekend and move in day starting this Friday. Those who volunteered to help please contact Gideon and work with him because he is finding out all the details.
Also Moses and Simon are coming back this Friday. May God give all those traveling safe trips and bring back everyone we met last year.
Please pray that God may make the Chapel available to us at the start of the semester and in His right time grant us a Bible house.
Also Please pray for Peter and Julia who will be going to the resource fair on Thursday.  
Daily Bread

Abraham Buries Sarah at Hebron

Genesis 23:1-20

Key Verse: 23:19

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Intro Daily