IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Hallowed be God's Name

Date: Sep. 30, 2009

Author: admin

Good morning!

How are you doing? I thank God for the wonderful privilege we have to be children of God and to be able to come to Him in prayer anytime, anyplace anywhere.  William Carey once said, "Expect great things from God, attempt great things for God." He was really a bold man and he went to God with bold prayers. Let's not be shy when we go to our heavenly Father. Are children shy when they go to their father? They boldly ask for everything under the sun. (Well at least mine do.) Proverbs 15:8 says, "The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him." May our prayers please God. May God's name be honored in every aspect of our lives. Here is a video on the majesty of God.

Thank God who blessed both special events last week. The special lecture with Dr. Jerry Root and the outreach concert at Trition College. I thank God for our Triton co-workers who served us. May God accept it as our prayer for His work on their campus. Please pray for workshop this saturday at the main center. All are invited so if you are interested please check it out.

Upcoming Events

Event: 2nd Bible Teachers Training Workshop Topic: One to One Bible Study
Date: Saturday October 3rd Time: 8am-12:30pm
Location: Main Center @ Lenningrad house If you would like to attend but missed the first workshop, please  watch it on ubftv.com.

Event: Founder's Day Theme: Latin American mission
Date: October 9th Time: 6:30 p.m
Location: Main Center

If you have something that has been ou your heart lately and you have been praying about it, let us join you in prayer. Please let me know how we can pray for you. You can post it anonymously.

Daily Bread

Abraham Buries Sarah at Hebron

Genesis 23:1-20

Key Verse: 23:19

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