Date: Oct. 8, 2009
field report On Friday September 25th, we held our 3rd annual outreach concert. Â This year it was held at the Triton College Performing Arts Center. This year's show included 3 bands and a play. The first band was made up of members from the NIU, COD and Triton UBF chapters and called themselves "The NIUCODTriton Unity Band." The second band was from IIT and couldn't come up with a name. They were almost called, "Holy Hand Grenades". The last band was simply called "Westloop." . If you listen to the words from the IIT song list, they tell a story. If you use your imagination it goes something like this... . The first song is "Johnny Be Goode." When we start out in life, we all want to be good. We all have high hopes to do something good or to be somebody. Even you mom has high hope for you. Besides that, it was just a really fun song to start things off with. :) . . The second song is, "How to save a life." Even though we want to be good somewhere along the way things get messed up and life does not turn out as we planned. Because of sin, we can't carry out all the good we want to do. And as a result, areas of our lives become dark, sinful and messed up. This is Satan's trap.Throughout our lives we have many relationships and although we want something good, because of sin sometimes those relationships get broken. Because of this we have pain and heartbreak. This song describes times such as these. . . The next song is "superman." This song describes the struggles we all go through. Sometimes it's hard and lonely and even a hero has the right to bleed. And the conclusion is that it's hard to be me. . . The fourth song is "The lost get found." This is where things begin to change in our life as Jesus seeks His lost sheep. We don't deserve His grace or mercy but our Heavenly Father loves us so much that He sent His one and only Son Jesus to save us from our sins. This is how the lost get found. . . The next song "Undo," is the climax of our set. It's at this point in our lives that we finally realize that we're a sinner and we've made a mess of our life. We accept God's wonderful grace and love for us and we cry out to God for His unfailing mercy. We acknowledge our mistakes and confess our sins and repent for what we have done. We understand our short comings and ask our Father in heaven to undo what we have become. This is when we really feel God's compassion and love within our heart and our life completely changes. We don't enjoy that the things we used to do and we find new pleasure in the things of God. . And then something amazing happens, we begin to look forward to the things of God. And we begin to put our hope in heaven and not in the world. Which leads us to our finale, "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow." This was our last song but unfortunately the tape ran out in the video camera. But it went something like this... . . In all, it was a fun night. We all prayed for those who came and for God's blessing on Trition campus, which I heard had their club awarded with the club of the year award. may God bless them with all His blessings as they serve Triton students with the word of God. ..God Will Provide a Wife for Isaac
Genesis 24:1-9
Key Verse: 24:7