Date: Oct. 21, 2009
Hello everyone, . Immanuel has asked for some personal prayer about his financial status. He is praying for any part time job that will meet his living expenses. And for the bank loan to get sanctioned which has been delayed longer than 4 months. May God give him strength through this. . Please pray for: A) Our ministry to make Jesus known to the student on IIT's campus. B) Our one to one Bible study ministry to grow and be fruitful. C) the Kwon's financial status and that God may provide their daily bread. D)For Dan to get a professional job E) For Abigail and Jae’ s visa status. F) Bible House for IIT . Let me know if you are interested in attending the following: This coming Friday 7pm, Hyde Park UBF will be hosting this quarter's Christian Worldview series on "Faith, Hope, Love" with this quarter's focus on "Faith and the Pursuit of Knowledge". Gerardo Ramirez will be leading the discussion and his talk is entitled: "Faith: In Order That You May Know." . Title: "Faith: In Order That You May Know" Location: Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago 1100 E 55th St (University and 55th Street) Room 302b When: Friday Oct 23rd, 7pm . God bless you to have a wonderful week. .Abraham Buries Sarah at Hebron
Genesis 23:1-20
Key Verse: 23:19
After this, Abraham buried Sarah his wife in the cave of the field of Machpelah east of Mamre (that is, Hebron) in the land of Canaan.