Date: Aug. 25, 2010
The Kingdom of God through Forgiveness . by Monica Ocasio Mark: 2: 1-17 Key Verse: 2:5b, Son, Your sins are forgiven . In this chapter of Mark we see different ways that Jesus heals the sick. First starting with the paralytic. This man was not able to walk to get to Jesus but four of his friends had so much faith in the lord that they took their friend to him hoping that he could heal him. Upon arrival they see a huge crowd gathered around Jesus. There were even people outside the door. There was no way that they would be able to get their friend to the front to see Jesus. Perhaps if it were me, with my complacent attitude, I would of said oh well we tried. But the friends had so much faith in the lord that they were determined to get their friend to him no matter what obstacles stood in their way. The four men climbed up on the roof and started to dig a hole so that they can lower their friend to where Jesus was. Jesus saw how much faith that these four men had and told the paralytic, “ Son, your sins are forgiven.†People in the crowd maybe thought, what? Clearly this man is paralyzed. Why did Jesus not cure him of his physical disability. But when Jesus saw the man he saw something deeper. He saw that this man had even a bigger disability. He was so sin sick. How can this man be a sinner? He can not walk . How can he commit a crime. He can not go steal from or, hurt or murder anybody. But the paralytic was a bitter person. He was not grateful for what he had. He felt sorry for himself. He felt as if everybody owed him something and that he should be served. Although he was breathing, he was not living.