IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

International Day of Prayer

Date: Nov. 5, 2010

Author: admin

. . . Please join with us as we join with churches around the world to "remember those in bonds" (Hebrews 13:3) on Nov. 14, the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Begun in 1996, IDOP is a day for intercessory prayer and citizen action on behalf of persecuted Christian communities worldwide. It is estimated that more than 100,000 churches, from more than 130 countries, have taken part in IDOP activities during this period. . “As our staff meets with persecuted Christians around the world, their first request is that we pray for them,” says Todd Nettleton, Director of Media Development for The Voice of the Martyrs — USA. “IDOP is a day when the collective Body of Christ joins together to answer their request.” . “Our persecuted family is not asking us to pray that the persecution will stop,” says Nettleton. “They’re asking us to pray they will remain faithful to Christ in spite of the persecution and pressure they face.” . The Voice of the Martyrs – web site . Prayer Updates . We are planning to have fasting prayer all day Sunday and we would like to invite you to join with us for a special prayer session Sunday morning after our normal worship service in the Chapel. You are welcome to join our normal worship service which starts at 10AM and finishes about 11AM. . Schedule of Events . 10:00AM - Praise and Worship 10:15AM - Start of service 11:15AM - Video Presentation 11:25AM - Powerpoint Presentation and prayer . .
Daily Bread

Abraham Buries Sarah at Hebron

Genesis 23:1-20

Key Verse: 23:19

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