IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT


2013 International Summer Bible Conference

Date: Oct. 18, 2012

Author: Dan Bockenfeld

The 2013 International Summer Bible Conference will be held at Indiana University in Indiana, Pennsylvania on August 1-4, 2013, with a Missionaries and Leaders Seminar following the conference on August 4-5. Put down a deposit of $50 or more by November 1, 2012 get locked into the Early Bird rate, and this will allow you to make monthly installments so that it will make paying for the conference easier. (Children under 12 are strongly discouraged from attending, as there will be no program for them) These rates will increase after November 30th by $30, and after May 31st, by another $30, except the youth rate. So we encourage everyone to register now with the minimum $50 deposit, to secure the Early Bird rate.

Invitation Video

Registration "Early Bird" rates are:

  1. Full Rate (all adults not currently undergraduate college students): $200
  2. Current Undergraduate Rate: $120
  3. Youth Rate (current high school and middle school children): $95

Please Note: These rates do not include meals.

We have created these meal plans because most of the sleeping rooms on campus are suite style and include a small refrigerator and microwave. People will be able to bring their own food, if they'd like to save money, and eat in their rooms.

Here are our three meal plans:

  1. The "I'm Hungry" Plan (eat all nine meals served by the university): $110
  2. The "Late Sleeper" Plan (no breakfast): $85
  3. The "Box and BBQ" Plan (boxed dinner on Thursday, an all together outdoor barbeque for Saturday dinner, and boxed lunch Sunday): $45

Plan #1 will apply to all international delegates and to most people who have to fly to the conference and wouldn't be able to bring their food. It also will be an appropriate selection for people who would really like to meet others at the conference and be able to eat with them. Plan #2 we expect to be popular with youth and college students who do not normally eat breakfast. Plan #3 will be for people who'd like to bring their own food and eat in their rooms, perhaps with their Bible students, teenaged children and/or friends and cut down on the conference cost.

Daily Bread

God Will Provide a Wife for Isaac

Genesis 24:1-9

Key Verse: 24:7

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