IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT


Greetings in the Lord from Rwanda

Date: Nov. 15, 2018

Author: Daniel Yang

Greetings in the Lord! By God's grace and mercy, IIT coworkers' persistent prayer support and love, we are doing well. Last 1 month, we had to serve about 15 key faithful members with intensive Bible study. Last whole week, we all went outreach. God has granted us 103 names and phone numbers in Huye campus and 77 names and phone numbers in Kigali campus. Last Sunday God graciously sent us 14 new students to Worship Service and 9 of 14 students signed up for 1:1 Bible studies. We have to continue to follow up with those 180 students. For an example, today I sent text messages to 20 medical students, inviting them to our next SWS. So far two student replied, accepting my invitation. Msn Deborah and I mainly pray for raising up these 15 faithful key leaders with deep Bible studies, so that they may grow to be reliable Bible teachers who will be qualified to teach other student (2 Timothy 2:2). Please continue to pray for us.

We deeply thank God for restoring our love relationship with Sh. Hodal. By God's amazing grace, he was sent to Arizona as a student missionary. He feels really sorry for failing to thank and appreciate IIT coworkers' sacrificial donations, especially for the expensive air tickets. Before his departure, while we privately were praying together, he shared endless tears of thanksgiving to God and to me and Msn Deborah. I deeply thank God for restoring our love relationship with him. His urgent prayer topics are 1) full scholarship, 2) acceptance to a Graduate school  and 3) extension of his visa (currently he has 6 months visa).

Again we are very thankful to Sh. Bob and all the precious IIT coworkers!

I am very sorry that I have been so busy last 6 weeks that I have not given Sh Bob and IIT coworkers any words of thanksgiving and prayer topics thus far! Please forgive me!

May God greatly bless IIT Thanksgiving Worship Service!!!

Truly thankfully, Daniel Yang

Daily Bread

God Will Provide a Wife for Isaac

Genesis 24:1-9

Key Verse: 24:7

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