IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT


After the Cross

Date: Mar. 31, 2022

Author: Bob Henkins

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.
-Acts 4:31

When serious incidents happen during our life, like what happened on January 6th or the war in Ukraine, it makes people wonder and worry about our future. When confronted with current situations, one person said, “Do what you want to do, don’t wait, because it’s the end of the world.” I imagine that the disciples must have been going through something similar at the time of Jesus’ crucifixion and death. Most of them had followed him for multiple years and saw how he lived and what he’d done. They came to know and love him but suddenly and brutally Jesus was taken from them. They saw how the religious leaders influenced and lead the crowd to encourage Pilate to crucify Jesus. Much to their dismay, Pilate gave in to their requests, even though he thought Jesus was innocent, and handed him over to the soldiers to be executed. At the cross stood Jesus’ mother witnessing the horrific death of her precious son. Once dead, they placed his body in Joseph’s tomb and went away to morn.

Imagine the dismay, emptiness, hopelessness, and sorrow they must have felt. They thought Jesus was the Messiah, that he would redeem their nation, but now he was gone. The disciples felt lost and directionless wondering if they would be hunted down and killed next. Even though they heard reports that Jesus was somehow miraculously alive, they didn’t believe and decide to return to their old way of living. To their astonishment, Jesus was alive and appeared to them on the road to Emmaus. Their downcast, lifeless bodies were revitalized, and their spirits were transformed as Jesus spoke to them personally.  The once fearful, hopeless disciples were marvelously transformed into bold and courageous leaders through the power of the Holy Spirit. The scattered followers of Jesus were once again united into one heart and mind that they prayed so passionately that the place where they were meeting was shaken as they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.

Even now, thousands of years later, after the cross, we still encounter circumstances that threaten our future, make us fearful, steals our hope and casts into darkness that is difficult to navigate. What do we do in the midst of such circumstances? Like the disciples, we must experience the life changing grace of God and be transformed through Jesus’ resurrection. Come join us this Easter as we learn how to live life “After the Cross” of Jesus. We will go on our own journey on the road to Emmaus through the IIT campus, hear life changing testimonies, heart moving messages, fun activities and delicious food.

The Location

Join us for our Easter event April 15-17, at our own house, 3148 S Indiana Ave in Chicago, which is just a couple blocks away from the Illinois Tech campus.


The Schedule

Activities start Friday night April 15th with food and fun, Saturday we’ll have a group Bible study, hear life testimonies, have lunch and do a prayer walk on the Illinois Tech campus, and end the night playing laser tag and bowling. Sunday we’ll praise and worship Jesus in the God Box and will hear disciples' transformed life after cross and end the retreat with a delicious lunch.

Friday, April 15

(3148 S Indiana Ave.)

7:00 PM Opening Meeting Dinner
Intro Message
12:00 PM Lunch  

Saturday, April 16

(3148 S Indiana Ave.)

10:00 AM Bible Study  
12:00 PM Lunch  
  Road to Emmaus  
5:00 PM Activity  

Sunday, April 17

(Illinois Tech Chapel)

10:00 AM Easter Worship Service Testimonies
Message from Dan Bockenfeld (Acts 4:1-31)
12:00 PM Lunch  

We’ll keep posting more information about the event as it gets closer to Easter, so come back here to learn more.

Daily Bread

God Will Provide a Wife for Isaac

Genesis 24:1-9

Key Verse: 24:7

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Intro Daily