IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT


The Full Extent of His Love

Date: Mar. 31, 2023

Author: Michael Mark

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.
-1 John 3:16

Love is the highest and greatest of all virtues. It can make your day, it can make you feel secure, it can make you feel strong. There is no such thing as loving too much; in fact, we often need to be reminded to love, especially in times like these. The pandemic has caused people to become more isolated. The great advancements in technology can connect us better, but at the same time has pushed us farther away from each other. It’s a double edged sword that has increased our access to information, but has increased our screen time to sometimes several hours in a day. Because of this, we as a society have become more self focused. So it seems more needful at a time like this, to show more love, to give more love, to express more love.

This Easter we will look at a love so amazing, a love so divine in the hopes of inspiring us and encouraging us to love in the same way. We will be reflecting on how Jesus loved his disciples, and even us, to the fullest. John 13 tells us that when Jesus knew the hour of his death was approaching, he showed his disciples the full extent of his love. He did this by serving them, by washing their feet. And he ultimately did this for all of us, by taking on our punishment, by suffering and dying for us on the cross, so that we would be saved. And having gone through all that, he rose from the dead in order to add joy and hope to our comfort and love. He lives, in order that we would truly have life. So this Easter, join us as we reflect on the love of Christ, and think about how his passion, his suffering, his cross and his victory impacts our lives and the lives of those around us. Join us, as we study the Word of God, hear messages and testimonies, eat, fellowship and serve one another, practicing the love that he loved us with.

The Location

Join us for our Easter event April 7-9, at our own house, 3148 S Indiana Ave in Chicago, which is just a couple blocks away from the Illinois Tech campus.


The Schedule

Activities start Friday night April 7th with food and a praise night with a presentation on revival, Saturday we’ll have a group Bible study, hear life testimonies, have lunch and participate in a service project, and end the night playing laser tag and bowling. Sunday we’ll praise and worship Jesus in the God Box and will hear what the full extent of Jesus' love is.

Friday, April 7

(3148 S Indiana Ave.)

6:30 PM Opening Meeting Dinner
Opening Message
Prayer & Praise Night
Revival Report

Saturday, April 8

(3148 S Indiana Ave.)

9:30 AM Breakfast Cook together
11:00 AM Bible Study  
12:30 PM Lunch  
1:30 PM Service Project/Free Time  
5:00 PM Activity  

Sunday, April 9

(Illinois Tech Chapel)

10:00 AM Easter Worship Service Message from Michael Mark (1 John 3:11-24)
12:00 PM Lunch  

We’ll keep posting more information about the event as it gets closer to Easter, so come back here to learn more.

Daily Bread

God Will Provide a Wife for Isaac

Genesis 24:1-9

Key Verse: 24:7

The LORD, the God of heaven, who took me from my father’s house and from the land of my kindred, and who spoke to me and swore to me, ‘To your offspring I will give this land,’ he will send his angel before you, and you shall take a wife for my son from there.

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