IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

See, Your King is Coming

Date: May. 11, 2024


John 12:12-19 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 12:15

The tension was growing between Jesus and the religious authority, who were determined to put Jesus to death. Still, Jesus unwaveringly entered Jerusalem with a great crowd coming to welcome him and acknowledge his coming as the Messiah and King.

Jesus came on a young donkey, approachable to all. He didn't appeal to lobbyists or the powerful elite but to the least of those among the nation. People came to him because he could feed the hungry, make the blind see, and raise the dead to life.

Jesus comes to us today, too, in ways and places we may not expect. He comes to us in our time of need and in our failures. He comes in mercy and empowering love. Jesus feeds us with words of life, opens our eyes to see beyond our limited views of God and each other, and gives new birth to lives dead in sin and shame. Welcome him in faith.

Prayer: Lord, you come to me gentle and approachable. I welcome you.

One Word: Jesus has come.

Daily Bread

David Defeats the Philistines

2 Samuel 5:17-25

Key Verse: 5:19

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