IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

The Lord Raises Samuel As His Prophet

Date: May. 25, 2024


1 Samuel 3:1-4:1 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 3:3:10

The Lord’s words were rare in those days. People were not seeking to hear the will of God and lived according to what pleased them (3:1, Judges 21:25). During this time, God was raising his faithful servant (19-21).

The young boy Samuel grew up under the care of Eli, the High Priest. One night, the Lord appeared to him and called him (4). Samuel served at the house of the Lord, yet he did not have a personal relationship with him and did not recognize his voice (7). With Eli’s guidance, Samuel learned to be ready for the Lord’s calling with a proper attitude (9,10). The first message he received was not an easy one to deliver; God was going to bring his judgment upon Eli’s family. Eli’s negligence of his sons’ sin against God was not something to be tolerated (13).

Eli encouraged Samuel to be truthful in delivering the message from God (17). While Eli failed to teach his own sons, he mentored Samuel properly. It was God himself who raised Samuel, making the right environment for him. God does not depend on human strength or wisdom (Romans 9:16). He carries out his plan and raises leaders to shepherd his people despite the wickedness of men.

Prayer: Father, thank you for raising your people to carry out your will. Please include me in your work to glorify your name.

One Word: The Lord raises his servant.

Daily Bread

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2 Samuel 4:1-12

Key Verse: 4:9

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