IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

Abner Comes over to David’s Side

Date: Sep. 12, 2024


2 Samuel 3:1-21 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 3:9,10

For seven years, David remained as king of Judah, while the rest of Israel was ruled by others. During this time, David got stronger and stronger, while the house of Saul got weaker and weaker. Abner, however, was able to strengthen his own position. At one point in the conflict, Ish-Bosheth accused his commander, Abner, of sleeping with one of his concubines. Possibly, Abner used this woman for political gain, or maybe Ish-Bosheth was just jealous of Abner. Either way, Abner grew angry and left Ish-Bosheth, vowing to go over to David’s side and help ensure that he, David, became king over all Israel instead of Ish-Bosheth. Abner knew it was God’s will from the beginning to make David king over all Israel.

David happily made a deal with Abner, and he came to David, bringing with him many of the elders of Israel. David welcomed him and forgave him. These circumstances could easily have led to further war. But David put aside personal grievances for the sake of unity among God’s people in all of Israel.

Prayer: Father, it is hard to let go of my wants and desires. Give me strength to die to myself and live for your will.

One Word: Don’t hold grudges.

Daily Bread

A People Devoted to Idols

Ezekiel 20:1-26

Key Verse: 20:7

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