IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

The Lord Establishes David As King

Date: Sep. 15, 2024


2 Samuel 5:1-16 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 5:12

David had waited on God and his time to become king of all Israel. Finally, God’s time came. All the tribes of Israel came to David to pay him honor and anoint him king over all Israel. The Lord had raised David up to be not just a king, but a shepherd of his people. As king and shepherd, David would not just rule over the people of Israel, he would also take care of them and lead them to God.

One of King David’s first acts was to take his army to the city of Jerusalem, the capital of the Jebusites. They had bragged that no one could conquer their city. But King David did. He called the city the City of David and made it his capital. David became more and more powerful and other nations paid him honor. God had raised up David as his shepherd-king and was with him in all he did.

Prayer: Father, raise up leaders in our generation who may also be shepherds for your people.

One Word: Leaders should be shepherds.

Daily Bread

A Lioness and Her Cubs

Ezekiel 19:1-14

Key Verse: 19:2

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