IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

The Ark of God Brought to Jerusalem

Date: Sep. 17, 2024


2 Samuel 6:1-23 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 6:2

And David arose and went with all the people who were with him from Baale-judah to bring up from there the ark of God, which is called by the name of the LORD of hosts who sits enthroned on the cherubim.

David came to know that the LORD’s many great blessings on his life were for the sake of his people (5:12). He sought to bring up the ark of God – where the LORD Almighty was enthroned – to Jerusalem. David and all the young men zealously celebrated, partying in a parade up to Jerusalem! But their zeal without knowledge (1Chr 15:12-13) resulted in Uzzah’s death. David was angry and afraid, and left the ark in Obed-Edom’s care.

The ark had been taken away from Israel in Samuel’s youth and eventually left with Abinadab (1Sa 4:1-7:2) for the same cavalier attitude toward God’s presence. But God greatly desires to bless his people, as he proved by blessing Obed-Edom. David tried again. This time the focus was on honoring God’s holiness with sacrifices. David danced in a linen ephod. Respect toward God did not rob them of joy, but rather focused it.

Jesus is God’s presence with us today. We often like to think of Jesus as friend (Jn 15:15), without first recognizing him as Lord and vine (John 15:5). When we respect him as the center of our lives and community, we share his joy. If not, we have the barren bitterness of Michal, daughter of Saul.

Prayer: Father, thank you for sharing your presence with us in Jesus. In respect of your throne, let us share this joy as your community today.

One Word: Jesus at the center brings joy

Daily Bread

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Ezekiel 19:1-14

Key Verse: 19:2

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