IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

Solomon Anointed As King

Date: Nov. 20, 2024


1 Kings 1:28-53 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 1:30

King David’s body may have been weak, but his faith and his spirit were strong. After talking with Nathan about Adonijah’s attempt to usurp the throne, David immediately called in Bathsheba. And on oath, he swore that he would accomplish what he had promised to Bathsheba—her son Solomon would sit on the throne in his place. David planned and executed it immediately to have Solomon made king. He had Zadok the priest, Nathan the prophet, and Benaiah mount Solomon on David’s own mule and have him taken to Gihon and anointed king. Then, they brought him back to sit him on David’s throne as king in his place. When they did this, all the people rejoiced greatly. David was a discerning king who saved the Lord’s people from a legacy of palace intrigue.

Meanwhile, Adonijah and his advisors were finishing up their celebratory feast. Joab, Adonijah’s general, heard a commotion in the streets and asked what was happening. Jonathan, son of Abiathar the priest, replied that the people outside were making Solomon their king. Adonijah knew his rebellion could cost him his life. So, he ran and took hold of the horns of the altar. When Solomon heard this, he was magnanimous and let his half-brother live.

Prayer: Father, thank you that King David and King Solomon were both wise, discerning leaders. Please raise up these kinds of leaders today.

One Word: Raise up wise and discerning leaders

Daily Bread

The Kings of This World

Daniel 11:2-27

Key Verse: 11:27

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