IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT

Daily Bread

God’s Blessing on Israel

Date: Nov. 25, 2024


1 Kings 4:1-34 (ESV)

Daily Bread

Key Verse: 4:25

Few, if any, of these names are recognizable to us today. Perhaps they were written down because they would be known to the people of Israel long after their time in office was over. Solomon picked them, out of his wisdom, to administer the various parts of the government of Israel, from leading the spiritual life of the nations (the priests) to having stewardship over forced labor. Solomon also divided Israel into twelve districts. Each district would be responsible for providing for the large royal household. Because of Solomon’s administration, the people were blessed, happy, and well fed.

Solomon’s wisdom was legendary. Even today, whenever the name of Solomon is invoked, it implies wisdom. Solomon’s wisdom was God-given. God gave him insight and understanding that was world-renowned. He was a philosopher, a psalm writer, and a scientist. Elsewhere, we are told the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Pr 9:10). God’s blessing of wisdom should lead us to humbly worship him.

Prayer: Father, thank you that you granted Solomon wisdom and discernment to rule and administer the nation of Israel. Please raise up wise and discerning leaders in this nation.

One Word: A nation with wise leaders is blessed

Daily Bread

The Kings of This World

Daniel 11:2-27

Key Verse: 11:27

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