IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT


Date: Dec. 5, 2010

Author: iitubf

Isaiah 8:19-9:7

Thank God for sending his precious Son Jesus to us. God has given us all the counsel, the might, the protection and the peace we need to live in this dark world. May God help us to have the joy that Isaiah had when he saw the light of Jesus shining in the darkness. Whatever darkness that you have inside of you, bring it to Jesus, for he will give you the wisdom you need to deal with it and know that nothing is too hard for him to solve and that he will give you the protection you need and the peace you desire when you have Immanuel Jesus in your heart.

Daily Bread

Those Who Are with Us Are More

2 Kings 6:1-23

Key Verse: 6:16

He said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

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