IIT UBF - University Bible Fellowship at IIT


Jesus Called an Ordinary Man

Author: Peter Mugisa

It all started when I saw the poster, "Did you know Jesus called ordinary men?"  As soon as I saw Jesus, I knew this was the place to be.  Bible study was really interesting and thank God I was invited for Worship Service.  I had pictured a huge church but there were only 30 something of us.  The message was deep on Sunday but I thought the messenger was having a good day.  When I came back the next Sunday, the message was even better than the previous one so I had to make it a point to come every Sunday.  I still had to get used to the "singspiration" style and the hymns that felt very ancient.   Overtime, I got used to the mix and the music combination brought me closer to God.

Did you know...

Now, if you had told me 2 years ago that I would be leading the ministry in any capacity, I would have laughed it off.  But as soon as I joined the IIT ministry, I knew that I had something to offer but I did not really know exactly what it was.  I remember saying to myself, that if I was ever called upon to do anything, I would do it.  The chance came and that is when I became part of the vocal team.  This was what I really wanted to do from the start.  Presiding over the Worship Service would be the next challenge but God was able to use me in service for his kingdom.  Being part of the Bible Club helped me go through so many touch times during my stay in Chicago.  The days when I had no money, place to stay and never ending search for jobs off campus.  God always provided a timely word for whatever I was going through during those days thanks to the alumni and everybody who was a part of IIT ministry.  In all these times I learned that there is no reason to fear because God is almighty.  Of course, I had the privilege to see people who were living examples of those that had faith in Jesus Christ.

Sometimes, the passion would die out even after we had laid out the best plans for IIT ministry. Student attendance to bible study was low especially after the graduating class of 2008.  I began to lose enthusiasm and everything which was once exciting had now become a routine.  Bible study was no longer worth attending so I missed some of the sessions in fall semester of 2008.  However during our study of 1 Corinthians, I learned what it meant to really serve God. The verse in Chapter 10 verse 31 really put things in perspective; "so whether you eat or drink or whatsoever you do, do it all for the glory for God."  By the time we were done studying that book, it was the "re-life" that I needed.

From then on I wanted to be involved in everything from Friday meeting plans, leading bible study, downtown campus ministry and even reaching out to other Christian groups.  At the time, I wanted to my very best for God.  The lord blessed the Bible Club with so many victories during this time and we were still able to learn from the defeats.  Weekly activities were great but my best days were when we left campus for either retreat or conference. There are so many things I learned during my time here but unfortunately I did not take drum lessons and I am still trying to figure out how some of our co-workers come up with the best power point slide presentations.

Now the time has come to return home.  This reminds me of the demon possessed man who after being healed was told by Jesus in Luke 8:39.  "Return home and tell how much God has done for you.  So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him."  In the same way, my hope is to show people that Christ is the way, the truth and the life.  Here at IIT, I am surrounded by so many God fearing people so God wants to use me to reach out to the lost back home especially my family.  Many people out there are dying and looking for a solution.  The truth is that they will not be saved unless they come to Christ.  My prayer is that I will continue to seek the lost and bring them back to Christ.

Thank you all for this wonderful time and I pray that you will all finish the race you have started. God bless.

Daily Bread

Hear the Word of the Lord

2 Kings 6:24-7:2

Key Verse: 6:7:1

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