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Knowing his time was near, Jesus showed his disciples the full extent of his love. Join us this Easter as we reflect on how Jesus in love gave his life for us, and how his death and resurrection inspire us to love one another.

Like the disciples, we must experience the life changing grace of God and be transformed through Jesus’ resurrection. Come join us this Easter as we learn how to live life “After the Cross” of Jesus.

We may all be distant and living in uncertain times, but the end of the year draws near and the time of Advent is here. Advent is all about the anticipation of the arrival of the baby Jesus and starts on November 29.

The turkey has been roasted and leftovers fill our fridges. Thanksgiving is gone and the time of Advent is here. Advent is all about the anticipation of the arrival of the baby Jesus and starts on December 1.

It is November and Thanksgiving is approaching. Please join us for our special Thanksgiving worship service on November 24 in the Carr Chapel.

Spring is just arriving and that means that Easter will soon be here. On April 5-7, we will be having our Easter Retreat with the title of Living Hope.

Once again, Thanksgiving is over and Christmas is fast approaching. That means that it is almost time for Advent. Every year, Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas, which, this year, is on December 2.

Greetings in the Lord! By God's grace and mercy, IIT coworkers' persistent prayer support and love, we are doing well.

It is November and Thanksgiving is approaching. Please join us for our special Thanksgiving worship service on November 18 in the Carr Chapel.

People love stories. So, it is no surprise that God’s mission for each of us is simple: to tell a story.

Have you ever felt that believing in Jesus is a foolish thing. How can a man bring peace and salvation? This Easter, come find out how the foolish cross is the power of God.

On October 31, 1517, a man named Martin Luther did something that changed the course of faith.

On August 27, we will be starting a new series from the book of Daniel called Living in the Upside Down.

A mission report from Daniel Yang who has been serving God in Rwanda.

Starting Sunday, June 18, we will be starting a summer sermon series based on the books of Titus and 2 Timothy called Ministry.

An example of how complete and perfect our salvation through Jesus is.

On April 7-9, we will be joining a number of other ministries in Chicago for an Easter Conference, titled The Gospel.

Starting Sunday, February 19, we will be starting a new sermon series based on the book of Hebrews called Greater Than.

Man, it is 2017 already! That means that it is time for us to choose verses from the Bible that we would like to hold on to for the year. We do this because we really want to grow in Christ and we really want to have even one small verse to live by for the year. A key verse is a reminder for us of God's word to help draw us nearer to him.

Have you ever wanted to know more about the Bible, Jesus and Christianity? Well, Intro was designed just for that purpose.

Inspired by the completion of the renovation of our ministry building this summer, this semester we hit the ground running with our outreach efforts, much more than we have usually done in the past.

Are you wondering how to balance school and faith? Perhaps you just want to know more about the path you are going on. Join the IIT BIble Club as alumni talk about their experiences at IIT and their life afterwards.

Join the IIT Bible Club in a game of Ultimate Frisbee on Siegel Field on August 24 at 6pm.

It’s time to kick off a new year at Illinois Tech, and we would like to reach out to the students and welcome them to the campus.

The things of this world just don't last. Just think about how often you need a new phone or car or shoes. Everything that this world has to offer does not last. Phones break; people age; and mountains crumble. But, Jesus is forever and he offers us that same forever. He died to redeem us and rose to take us to eternity.

In Christianity, it is the season that begins the 4th Sunday before Christmas and ends on Christmas Eve. During the Advent Season, we commemorate Jesus' first coming and anticipate His second coming in order to prepare our hearts for Christmas, that day we celebrate our Savior's first arrival.

This summer, come join us in Springfield, IL to explore more about what it means to follow Jesus. We will be joining with other UBF ministries from all over the region for the 2015 Midwest Summer Bible Conference, July 16-19.

We all feel pain, sometimes. We all are hurt. We all are wounded. Sin wounds. Either our sin wounds us, our sin wounds others or others’ sin wounds us. We can cover those wounds by trying to escape them, but no matter how hard we try, there will always be physical, emotional and psychological pain. On our own, we always have wounds, but there is only a single way to heal them: Jesus.

On November 9, we will be participating in the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church (IDOP). Join us as we pray for our brothers and sisters in bonds around the world.

A little background on our new sermon series called God's Great Kingdom that we will start on September 21.

A reflection on our study of the book of Acts which began on September 8, 2013 and ended September 14, 2014.

We would like to welcome back all the students from IIT, Vandercook, Shimer, and ICO.

Welcome to the new iitubf.org. We've been working to bring you a cleaner and more useful website in the past few months and now is the time to show it off.

We are happy to announce our 2014 Easter Event entitled Uncommon, which will be happening on April 19-20 on the campus of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Day 1 will begin at 10 AM in the MTCC Ballroom and Day 2 will begin at 10 AM in the Godbox

God's love is amazing. It doesn't have any limits and just when you think that there isn't any more room, God shows you just how much more there is.

This past Sunday, Mike gave a presentation about registration for the 2013 UBF International Summer Bible Conference at Indiana University in Indiana, Pennsylvania.

Starting on April 21, we will be starting of our study of letter of James. Before we begin, we wanted pass on a little background information concerning the text.
2013 is almost here, so it is time to choose. At the beginning of each year people all around the world who are a part of UBF choose verses from the Bible to hold on to for the year. We do this because we really want to grow in Christ and we really want to have even one small verse to live by for the year. A key verse is a reminder for us of God's word to help draw us nearer to him.

This year, we will be celebrating Advent in preparation for Christmas. Simply put, Advent is the celebration of the arrival of Jesus. It is 24 days of anticipation of the hope, peace, love and joy that the baby Jesus brings on his birth starting on the December 2 this year.
We want to welcome you to The Well on December 27-30 entitled, "Abba, Father: Walking as Sons and Daughters." We are excited that God is moving and has great things in store for us! Through the revelation of God the Father we discover our identity as sons and daughters in Christ and walk in this identity through the Holy Spirit. Our lives are transformed when we encounter our true Father in Heaven who sees us as His beloved children. We invite you to the Well, to experience God and the outpouring of His Spirit as we cry "Abba, Father!"
Christmas is almost upon us. Here in Chicago, Michigan Avenue has been lit up since November, Lincoln Park Zoo has its annual Zoo Lights, one radio station has been playing Christmas music for I don't know how long now, and, my personal favorite because of my Germanic history, the Christkindlmarket is in Daley Plaza. When you go to the stores, the sales are all around, the bell ringers are ringing their bells at nearly every entrance, and decorations abound. At night, houses are lit up with thousands of tiny lights and Christmas trees are all aglow. It's a time where families get together and gifts are exchanged. It's a time when snowmen are made, candy canes are eaten, and hills are destined to be sled.

The 2013 International Summer Bible Conference will be held at Indiana University in Indiana, Pennsylvania on August 1-4, 2013, with a Missionaries and Leaders Seminar following the conference on August 4-5. Put down a deposit of $50 or more by November 1, 2012 get locked into the Early Bird rate, and this will allow you to make monthly installments so that it will make paying for the conference easier. (Children under 12 are strongly discouraged from attending, as there will be no program for them) These rates will increase after November 30th by $30, and after May 31st, by another $30, except the youth rate. So we encourage everyone to register now with the minimum $50 deposit, to secure the Early Bird rate.
This past Sunday's sermon dealt with the thought that our lives should give glory to God. In John 9, there is a man who was born blind and Jesus said that he was born blind so that the works of God might be displayed in him. Many times our hardships cause us to cry out to God in deliverance, but sometimes God wants to use those hardships to give glory to him.
Sin is costly. And the law a tough task master. The only thing I can do is thank God for sending Jesus because he paid the price for our salvation. Because of him, we don't have to keep coming back and offering sacrifices for our sins.
Children show us great insight to our God. How we interact with children is very much reflective on how God interacts with us.
Now think about the probability of Jesus fulfilling every prophecy written about the coming Messiah, all 313 of them. How could he do that unless he is the Son of God?

It is a wonderful privilege we have to be children of God and to be able to come to Him in prayer anytime, anyplace anywhere.

This is Peter Mugisa's goodbye to us as he returned to Uganda.